Health and Fitness

Latest fitness tips – Why Should We Eat Vitamin Enriched Food ?

Vitamin is an essential organic compound and a nutrient required for the growth and development of body. Today at latest fitness tips we will talk about why we should maintain the level of Vitamin in our daily food. And which all food are rich in Vitamins and what type of Vitamins. Before going on a brief discussion of which food you must take for Vitamin we will tell you why should one take Vitamin enriched food.

Vitamin is an organic food substance that can only be found in living creatures such as plants and animals. Our body cannot reproduce Vitamin and needs to be taken through proper dietary supplements and wholesome diet. Vitamins are defined and distributed into various series such as Vitamin A, C, D, E and K. All the Vitamins have their own functions for the body some are very important some posses less important functions and are essential for the normal body functioning. Apart from that it ensures proper growth, vitality and cure of diseases and general well being of the body. Don’t forget to read our latest health and fitness tips on Nutrition required for healthy body.

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Oh, It’s getting boring isn’t it. Let’s discuss which all Vitamins are found in the foods and daily diet and why should you eat them.

1. Vitamin A – Vitamin A is abundantly found in Egg yolk, Dark fruits, leafy green vegetables such as Spinach, Carrots, sweet potatoes, and fish as well as Milk products. Vitamin A is helpful in enhancing eyesight, Vision and also reproductive functions of the body. Apart from that it is helpful in cell reproduction and other body functions.

2. Vitamin C – Vitamin C is important in nutrient which is found in Vegetables such as Broccoli, Spinach, Cabbage, Potatoes, Cauliflowers and other colorful vegetables. Vitamin C is important in healing wounds, and is a antioxidant for the body.

3. Vitamin D – Vitamin D is generally found in Fish in a large amount. Apart from that Cereals, Fortified milk products and fish liver oil also are a great source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps in absorption of Calcium in the bones and makes them healthy. Sunshine is also a great source of Vitamin D .

4. Vitamin E – Vitamin E is another such Vitamin which does not have a primary function but a secondary function which helps combat diseases and cell damages.Generally founds in nuts and seeds, leafy green vegetables and fruits such as Mango, Papaya etc. Apart from that Oils such as Sunflower, Corn seed, wheat germ and in Avocado.

5.Viatmin K – Vitamin K is found extensively in food such as Cabbage , Cauliflower and especially in dark leafy Vegetables. Cereals, Fish, eggs, and Fish liver oil also consists of Vitamin K in abundance. Vitamin K is a supportive nutrient and helps support body function and increases body Vitality and help in healing wounds in the body.

Apart from these there is on another classification of Vitamin which is Known as Vitamin B it has various subgroups such as B1, B2 and B3 B5 and B12. These vitamins are also very beneficial in overall body development and growth. Daily food diet such as Vegetable, fruits, Cereals and Milk products consists of these Nutritional elements, don’t forget to eat all these food in your daily diet.

So, Now you have the list of food to include in your daily diet to get all the essential nutrients. Keep reading for more Interesting stuffs on food and health and latest weight loss tips. Don’t forget to subscribe our latest Newsletters.

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